syllabi + class projects 2005-24

Post-Production Intensive (F24)
Open-level film/video course at Bennington College, in which a single project is revised and refined through multiple iterations.
PDF syllabus
Intermediate Video: Sensorium (F23)
Intermediate-level video course at Bennington College focused on evoking senses beyond the visual and more-than-human modes of perception.
PDF syllabus
Beyond Story (F23)
A 7-week seminar at Bennington College, inspired by the Beyond Story manifesto, exploring the ideologies of documentary forms.
PDF syllabus
Co/Lab: Mediating Performance (F23)
A 7-week, intermediate level course at Bennington College, designed to facilitate collaborations between performers and film/video makers.
PDF syllabus / final performance
Mass Affect: Media Culture and Theory (F20/F21)
A hybrid, co-taught survey course alternating lectures and discussion sections, with an interdisciplinary approach to the history and theory of media culture and technology.
PDF syllabus (F21 revision)
Interdisciplinary Seminar: Time (F19/F22)
A seminar at Bennington College concerning the invention, perception, manipulation, histories, economies, science and art of time.
PDF syllabus / F22 revision
Intermediate Video: The Question of the Document (F19)
Intermediate-level video course at Bennington College focused on the truth claims made by film and video and the production of alternative forms of knowledge in a climate of politicized “alternative facts” and “fake news.”
PDF syllabus
Intermediate Video: Contrapuntal and Contested Narratives (F18/F22)
Intermediate-level video course at Bennington College focused on counter-narratives, contested histories, reading for shadows, and polyphony.
PDF syllabus / F22 revision
Intro to Video (F18/F20)
Intro to video art history, theory, and practice at Bennington College.
PDF syllabus / F21 revision
Video 1 (S09 – F10 / F16 – S17)
Intro to video art history, theory and practice at the Cooper Union School of Art.
PDF syllabus, Fall 2010 / Spring 2017 revision
Digital Imagemaking 2/3 (F15-F17)
Graduate / advanced undergraduate studio course in photography and hybrid / post-internet photographic practices, with an emphasis on the circulation of photographs as both images and information. For the Art department at Queens College.
Fall 2017 syllabus
Media Studies: Archives and Repertoires (Spring 2016)
Graduate seminar about the structures, uses and performances of archives for the Film Studies and Theater programs at the Graduate Center, CUNY.
PDF syllabus and course reader
New Forms: Archives and Repertoires (Fall 2015)
Graduate theory/practice seminar on working with, constructing, and performing archives for the MFA Social Practice program at Queens College, CUNY.
PDF syllabus and course reader
Collaboration, Cooperation, Collectivity, & Conviviality (F14-S15)
Two month-long seminars for MFA students at Washington University in St. Louis, organized according to Christoph Spehr’s principles of free cooperation. With weekly potlucks.
In Translation (Spring 2014)
Master class at Pro Arte in Saint Petersburg (with student exhibition in Manifesta 10 parallel program)
PDF outline
Research as Practice (Fall 2013)
First semester of a year-long class on research-based practice in the MFA Fine Arts program at Pratt
PDF syllabus
Artists and Dialogue (Spring 2009)
Grad / advanced undergrad seminar on dialogical practices in the Art + Public Policy program at NYU
PDF syllabus, spring 2009 / Fall 2010 revision
Digital Imaging III (Fall 2008)
Advanced digital imaging and processing at Stevens ARTC
Online syllabus
Intro to Media Culture and Theory (F06/S08)
Survey course in media theory and histories of technology, required for art + tech majors and open to non-majors, at Stevens ARTC
Online syllabus, resource page, and class links
Video II (S06/F07)
Advanced video theory and practice at Stevens ARTC
Online syllabus and resource page
Net Art + Design (Fall 2007)
Intro to net art and web design theory and practice
Online syllabus and class links
Video I (F05 – F08)
Intro to video art history, theory and practice in the Stevens Art + Technology program
Online syllabus
Girls-Eye-View (Winter 2005)
after-school program for junior high girls at Eyebeam Atelier
Class project and resource page